Here are the events the sky is going to happen in 2010, such as the page loaded Space.com.
January 15, the longest solar eclipse ring
Ring solar eclipse will occur on Friday, January 15, 2010, particularly in Africa, India, and China.
Ring solar eclipse occurs when the Moon was far from the earth so that its visible disk small and can not cover the entire disk of the sun.
Solar disc covered by the disc only the middle month alone, about 92 percent, so that the edge of the sun is not closed. Therefore, the disk of the sun will be seen from the earth like a glowing ring.
Eclipse which will occur duration 11 minutes 8 seconds. According to NASA scientists, this is a very long duration, the longest along the millennium. This duration will not happen again until 3043!
January 29, Planet Mars closer to Earth
That day, Planet Mars only 61.7 million miles from Earth. This is the best time for sky watchers to observe Mars with a telescope. Although close, Mars was the maximum observed with the naked eye. Mars will not look for the Moon, Mars to our eyes just like a small star in the sky.
February 16, Jupiter and Venus will be seen together
Like two ships that crossed the twilight, Venus and Jupiter will be visible along with the distance between 5 degrees. As the sun was approaching Jupiter, while Venus moves away from the sun.
March 28 to 12 April, Venus and Mercury as a partner
The two planets will be an interesting couple in the sky west and northwest, at dusk. The distance of two planets is only about five degrees. Venus appears to the left and slightly above the image of Mercurius. On April 3, they will look very close, only slightly above 3 degrees.
June 6, two interesting phenomena in the sky
Mars will be located less than one degree north of the blue star Regulus. These conjunctions will be easily visible in the night sky.
The same night, Jupiter, Uranus will be visible simultaneously in the three series of conjunctions. There are only six such conjunctions between the years 1801 and 2200. The last one in 1983 and the next will come the year 2037-2038.
June 26, the partial lunar eclipse
This eclipse will occur in the Hawaiian Islands, western Alaska, Australia, New Zealand, the eastern part of Malaysia and Asia. At these locations, will see the top of the moon darkened by the shadow of the Earth.
July 11, a total solar eclipse
Total solar eclipse will occur at 15 miles from Tahiti and Easter Island. While at a point location in the South Pacific Ocean, the sun covered a total of 4 minutes and 45 seconds.
Beginning in August, Trio Planet
Mars passed less than two degrees south of Saturn on 1 August. Then, the image of Venus anya more than 3 degrees to the south nine days later; on August 8.
The three planets will form what Jean Meeus defines as "trio," when the three planets fit within a circle with a minimum diameter smaller than 5 degrees.
August 12, Perseid Meteor Rain
This annual meteor shower will occur in the maximum dark sky, with no intervention from the moon. About 90 meteors will fall every hour.
September 21, Jupiter, the Great and High
Jupiter will be in the middle of the night sky, namely, the opposition (magnitude -2.9). In this orbit, Jupiter closer than the average distance.
The end of October, the Earth crossed Comet
Comet Hartley 2 will pass the earth, exactly 11.2 million miles from Earth on October 20, 2010 on, only a week before the comet was passing near the sun in the distance.
This comet can be seen with the naked eye in rural areas, not in the middle of the frenetic city.
December 14, Gemini Meteor showers
Gemini back meteor shower occurs. About 120 meteors per hour will drop and create a beautiful phenomenon.
20-21 December, eclipse Month Total
North America get the 'best seat' to see the phenomenon of this total lunar eclipse. For the U.S. East and Canada, this phenomenon occurs in the morning.
For the western U.S. and Canada, this phenomenon occurs in the middle of the night 20-21 December. This lunar eclipse will occur during the 1 hour and 14 minutes.
Source: Vivanews
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