Saturday, December 19, 2009 Multiple Search Engine

Hearing the phrase Search Engine you familiar such as Google. Yahoo, Bing and many more others.

Based on the information that I can be in Wikipedia, search engines are computer programs designed to help someone find the files that are stored in a computer, for example, in a public server on the web (WWW) or the computer itself. The search engine allows us to ask for media content with specific criteria (typically containing words or phrases that you specify) and obtain a list of files that meet these criteria. Search engines usually use the index (which was made before and updated on a regular basis) to find the file after the user enters a search criteria.

In the context of the Internet, search engine usually refers to the WWW, and not the protocol or other areas. In addition, search engine data available in newsgroups, large databases, or open directories like Because data collection is done automatically, unlike search engine web directory of human work.

Most search engines run by private companies using proprietary algorithms and closed databases - the most popular is Google (MSN Search and Yahoo! Left little behind). There have been several attempts to create search engines with open-source (open source), for example is Htdig, Nutch, Egothor and OpenFTS.

nowGoogle is one site that provides services in Search Engine but the site show both a site Search Engine / Multiple Search Engine among others: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, AllTheWeb, AOL. Lycos, Dogpile, AltaVista, which once Clusty search directly on all the existing search engine without having to open a new window.

Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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